Interference bidding

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July 5, 2017.
G a L w o o d - I V
A new era in bridge bidding & partnership agreements
Interference bidding is a huge and complex subject.  Whether we interfere with the opponents' bidding, or they interfere with ours, the number of possibilities is huge.
Consider these factors:
1.  Opponents may well use a different system than GaLwood.
2.  Different opponent may well use different systems.
3.  Different partnerships may well have different agreements.
4.  Pass, double and redouble are now valid options.
While there probably are several billion possible sequences, current theory is that only approximately 6,000 - 7,000 seem viable.  Still, that number may yet be very conservative.
So, strategies and tactics need to be developed for each system which a GaLwood partnership is likely to encounter.
These will be developed and documented in due time.